
"Holy Ghost", 2020 - oil on canvas (20"x26"x3")

"Family ", 2015 - mixed media on wood (36"x48"x3")

"Easter Sunday", 2015 - oil on wood ( 12"x 24"x 2")

"The Landlords", 2015 - oil on canvas, ( 48" x 72" x 2")

"Harriet Tubman", 2020 - heirloom bags, crystals, antique tassels, and oil on wood ( 48" x 80" x 4")

"Huey P. Newton", 2014 - oil on canvas installation

"Harriet Tubman", 2014 - oil on canvas installation

"Harriet Tubman",2014 - oil on wood ( 48" x 72" x 3")
"My Good White Family ",2015 - oil on wood ( 48" x 72" x2")
"Cotton and Roses", 2020 - oil on wood ( 24" x 48" x 2")

"Spring", 2021 - oil on wood (9" x 30" x 3")

"Haddie May", 2014 - oil on canvas ( 18" x 24" x 2")
"Usher Board", 2010 - oil on wood ( 48" 24" x 2")

"The Landlords", 2014 - oil on canvas installation

"Huey P. Newton", 2015 - oil on canvas, ( 48"x 72"x 2")

"Huey P. Newton", 2015 - gallery installation

"Huey P. Newton", 2015 - gallery installation

"Blessed", 2014 - oil on canvas (29"x 41"x 3")

"First Sunday", 2015-22 - oil on canvas ( 29"x 41"x 3")

"Born Free", 2022 - oil on wood ( 36"x48"x2")

"Beloved," 2022-23, Site-specific mixed media installation at Minnesota Street Project

Detail shot of "Beloved," 2022-23, site-specific mixed media installation at Minnesota Street Project

Detail shot of "Beloved," 2022-23, site-specific mixed media installation at Minnesota Street Project

Detail shot of "Beloved", 2022-23, site-specific mixed media installation at Minnesota Street Project

Detail shot of "Beloved" , 2022-23, site-specific mixed media installation at Minnesota Street Project